Building Blues for the 2nd Cycle: A Part the Mistveil Spoiler
Second Tenet of Chi: Moon provides us with an excellent opportunity to talk about the oft-overlooked value locked behind that blue stripe.
Be careful how you block. You never know what might be on that blade.
by: Alex Truell
1 year ago
Far from your noble 'Robin Hood', the Assassin has no intention of giving away the silver stolen by the blade.
by: Alex Truell
2 years ago
The sands beneath their feet slip and stream and suddenly rush ahead of them, swirling and forming. They had not considered the desert floor ash before, but as they stood before the draconic illusionist, their mistake became clear: her tools were all around them.
by: Alex Truell
2 years ago
Rathe Times' exclusive preview is here!
by: Mark Chamberlain
3 years ago
Tales of Aria spoiler season is now well on its way, and the Rathe Times is here to show you that the Guardian archetype has been revisisted, with a majestic weapon that will literally freeze your enemies in fear!
by: Kirk Bushell
3 years ago
In honour of those who fought for the Light, and fell in the battle against the Shadow; their names shall always be remembered. The Rathe Times would like to introduce to you: Memorial Ground.
3 years ago