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Dynasty Preview

In the short time since the Assassin class made its debut, we've gotten a deluge of new cards showcasing the Contract mechanic. Today's preview adds to that with a banish objective that's sure to squeeze the Guardians holding the field today.

Thanks to a preview from the FABTCG Judge Hub, we have a solid understanding of how contract works. A contract goes into effect when you put it on the chain, and remains in effect as long as the contract card is on the table. Rob the Rich asks you to banish opponents' cards with cost 2 or greater; and to accomplish that, Rob the Rich also banishes the top card of their deck when it hits. The reward: Silver.

This card- and the suite of other contract cards we've seen so far- gives off some serious Ranger vibes, entirely appropriate to its hero Arakni's origin in the Pits. We have a 1-resource attack for 5, an on-hit effect, and an element of disruption. We're also seeing the makings of a sideboard-heavy deck - something I advocate strongly for when building Azalea. Fortunately, we've already seen that Arakni can be played in Classic Constructed, giving him the option to side in the best contracts for the job at hand.

Because contracts remain in effect as long as you can keep the combat chain open, cards that add go again to an attack are going to be valuable tools. We've seen that Blacktek Whisperers offers on-hit go again on an equipment card you can re-purchase after use - likely, this makes Snapdragon Scalers a budget option to move past - but among generic options you'll also find Art of War, Lead the Charge, and Captain's Call. Of course, there's always Razor Reflex...

Card image of Art of War (Yellow)
Card image of Captain's Call (Red)
Card image of Lead the Charge (Yellow)

On a final note, Narendra B Adi has done an excellent job of expanding on the developing aesthetic of the Assassin class. A staple of Flesh and Blood artwork since Crucible of War, Narendra infuses Rob the Rich with storytelling energy as the assassin pushes their mark into shadow from the golden hues of the dome above.

Dynasty lands on November 11th, and here at the Rathe Times, we'll begin shifting gears with content focused on the new and the newly-relevant. Thanks for reading!

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