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Tales of Aria: Winter's Wail

Guardian has received some love since Welcome to Rathe, but not quite like what's coming in Tales of Aria. The Rathe Times is lucky enough to have been provided a card for the spoiler season, majestic in its quality and freezing in its capabilities.

With the shield reveal we had the other day, it became obvious that a Guardian is on its way to Flesh & Blood. But with this weapon, we now know the guardian is also an Elemental Guardian, providing them access to at least Ice cards (and we suspect Earth cards, as well!)

This is a fascinating reveal as the weapon is the first 1h Guardian weapon to date, with both Sledge and Anothos being 2h weapons. This frees up the other hand for a shield, or... ANOTHER 1h weapon!!!

Despite the obvious effects from creating frost tokens (which inhibit your opponent's capabilities by increasing costs), the fact that Guardian now has access to a 1h weapon really creates some interesting build possibilities, so long as they have go-again potential.

I suspect Timesnap Potions and Flocks may see a real revival in Tales of Aria, and I couldn't be happier!

Card image of Flock of the Feather Walkers (Blue)
Card image of Timesnap Potion (Blue)

What do you think of this new weapon? Let us know in the comments below!

Discussion (21)


Shu Wei

3 years ago
Wow, one handed weapon. I wonder if we're getting a (M) or (L) offhand!

Henry Moore

3 years ago
This card is so good - guardian getting the goods in ToA! Cayle will be pleased, though he might have to betray Bravo :P

David Christensen

3 years ago
I like the possibility of having one handed weapon and off-hand shield options. Seems like an interesting design space to explore.


3 years ago
Wow this card opens so much possibilities. I am very excited to see shield and weapon in action.

Nick Hall

3 years ago
I'm going to be all about dual-wielding hammers, don't care if it's viable or not :D

Jonathan Knox

3 years ago
It's great to have a new angle to build Guardian! I'm curious to see how much this changes Bravo or if Anothos is just better for him.

Chris Zoglmann

3 years ago
Weapon and shield combinations sound so cool for the game and it was something they could have added from the start. Excited to them in the game. This is a really cool Guardian weapon, just wish Bravo could build around it as well.

William Cooper

3 years ago
Double hammer smackdown incoming.

Alex Truell

3 years ago
Amazing reveal. This weapon confirms that I'm gonna love the Isenloft Guardian.
Playmat Shield Only

Kirk Bushell

3 years ago
@jonathan - bravo can't use this hammer.

Betim Begolli

3 years ago
seems ToA is going to send "red deck wins" to the grave

Derrick Cantu

3 years ago
Guardian and ranger are getting some really good additions in this set. From the reveals so far it seems like aggro decks may become a thing of the past.


3 years ago
Pairs up so well with the new L shield, but they must be releasing a common token weapon also?

Clemens Heese

3 years ago
@kirk With Tales of Aria on the doorsteps I see many people amazed by the power level creep (purely on paper up to now). It would be great, if you did an article on the difference of power level of the starter decks (Mon vs. ToA). and or maybe in general between the sets.
Playmat Shield Only

Kirk Bushell

3 years ago
@Clemens - I'm personally not seeing a power creep. I think we're being provided additional tools to deal with certain archetypes. The shield for. example makes it much more difficult for fatigue decks to do their thing. It will single-handedly shut down kodachi fatigue, and poses a bit more of a problem for pistol dash, for example.

Alex Truell

3 years ago
First impressions always focus on the potential. Testing will show the costs to reach that potential. Never mistake more complex for more powerful.


3 years ago
Looks like I may have to learn to smash. 1h weapons are cool, but I think shields are going to be a major game changer. Don’t think my kodachis will enjoy them much.

Jessie Quinn

3 years ago
Excited to see this in combo with shield, the flavor of that feels really nice for Guardian . I wonder how common the blue pitch options with Ice will be. Also I assume that if you pitch a couple of cards, only one will need to have Ice to trigger this, which would be cool.

Jake Scott

3 years ago
I hope that frostbite tokens can keep Guardian in check.

Jacob Irby

3 years ago
Guardian doesn't currently have a one handed weapon bravo can take right? I wonder if that is one of the few spoilers left.

Michael Popowich

3 years ago
I am looking forward to making Shield bravo in blitz. The extra defense might put him over the top

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