Guardian has received some love since Welcome to Rathe, but not quite like what's coming in Tales of Aria. The Rathe Times is lucky enough to have been provided a card for the spoiler season, majestic in its quality and freezing in its capabilities.

With the shield reveal we had the other day, it became obvious that a Guardian is on its way to Flesh & Blood. But with this weapon, we now know the guardian is also an Elemental Guardian, providing them access to at least Ice cards (and we suspect Earth cards, as well!)
This is a fascinating reveal as the weapon is the first 1h Guardian weapon to date, with both Sledge and Anothos being 2h weapons. This frees up the other hand for a shield, or... ANOTHER 1h weapon!!!
Despite the obvious effects from creating frost tokens (which inhibit your opponent's capabilities by increasing costs), the fact that Guardian now has access to a 1h weapon really creates some interesting build possibilities, so long as they have go-again potential.
I suspect Timesnap Potions and Flocks may see a real revival in Tales of Aria, and I couldn't be happier!

What do you think of this new weapon? Let us know in the comments below!