Should Fatigue be the Future of Control?
Attritional fatigue is having a moment in the meta - and it seems like LSS intends for it to stay. But is it healthy?
While we're talking about changing the landscape of FAB, we really should discuss two ubiquitous defense reactions.
by: Sean Knowelden
6 months ago
The role of local Armory events is changing; how can kits encourage the best environment for growth?
by: Mark Chamberlain
8 months ago
There's a lot of thought that goes into a hero's art. What is LSS communicating in these key pieces? And how is Nuu breaking their previously established conventions?
by: Alex Truell
10 months ago
When the spirit of the game and friendly competition comes up against the rules of the game and serious competition, where do you draw your grey line?
by: Sean Knowelden
11 months ago
Calls for bannings are nothing new in TCGs. Frank Hung and Joseph Cicchini offer thoughts on the latest controversial card - Codex of Frailty - and what constitutes a ban-worthy card in a game when power cards and power turns are essential to class identity.
by: Frank Hung & Joseph Cicchini
1 year ago
Dynasty is here! And as with all expansion sets, there's something for everyone. Who made the biggest gains- and who got left behind?
by: Kevin Brayer
2 years ago
The changes made to the Blitz format in the latest Banned and Restricted announcement sent a message that is pretty easy to read: LSS clearly wanted to slow things down.
by: Kevin Brayer
2 years ago
For so long, the mantra of the meta has been to pursue your general education while following the trends. Isaac Jessen believes it's time to choose a major.
by: Isaac Jessen
2 years ago
Has Command and Conquer, once the pinnacle of power in Flesh and Blood, lost some of its luster?
2 years ago
Uprising previews have unexpectedly arrived, and everything is changing.
by: Alex Truell
2 years ago
Preparing for a major tournament goes well beyond the tabletop.
by: Mark Chamberlain
3 years ago
Mark dives further into the world of Cubing, introducing the Set Cube formula as well as his own Refined Set Cube for Welcome to Rathe.
by: Mark Chamberlain
3 years ago
Mark makes the case for draft as the premiere format for Flesh and Blood, laying the groundwork for his series on constructing a FaB Cube.
by: Mark Chamberlain
3 years ago
Drew shares his best practices and tips to get the most out of a new set and logically evaluate the merits of new cards, both financially and in your own deckbuilding.
by: Drew Cordell
3 years ago
Chane loses a key card and gets denied a new one! What does this mean for the ubiquitous Shadow Runeblade?
3 years ago
This week, the Rathe Times writing team is getting personal and talking about the decks they're putting on the table.
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago
A month of personal firsts has Alex feeling like he's truly arrived on the FaB scene. Why getting involved in a game's community is so rewarding.
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago
With the debut of Light and Shadow Talents, a new theory has risen up concerning the Mechanologist "class"...
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago
Warrior is all about efficiency and consistency. Which is why expanding the card pool is probably a good thing.
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago