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from Iyslander

Why play Aether Hail in a Wounded Bull world? Rhea Adams makes the case for arcane damage.

by: Rhea Adams

7 months ago

In Blitz, Kano is a force to be reckoned with. But learning the ways of the Wizard is a formidable task.

by: Daniel Bellotti

10 months ago

As the meta finally thaws, Iyslander is left searching for a new path forward - but the Ice Wizard already has all the tools she needs.

by: Daniel Bellotti

11 months ago

Of the many ways to cheat at trading card games, none are as powerful as stacking the deck- only in FAB, it's not cheating! Learn to pitch stack with this guide.

by: Frank Boothroyd

1 year ago

A narrow definition of Iyslander has dominated since Wounded Bull saw its resurgence. This deck explores another avenue, built around the Isenhowl Weathervane.

by: Daniel Bellotti

1 year ago

The Emperor might have come dead on arrival, but he’s poised to rise again in glory.

by: Daniel Bellotti

1 year ago

Since Uprising elevated her status, Iyslander has reshaped the meta around her icy presence. While top tier builds require steep investments, it's entirely feasible to get results from a budget build, and to build up from there. Rhea takes you every step of the way.

by: Rhea Adams & Will Reinhardt

1 year ago

Steven Young goes down the rabbit hole with a Brainstorm deck that might crown Kano as the meme king of Flesh and Blood.

by: Steven Young

1 year ago

In a surprising turn of events, Michael Hamilton rode a Wounded Bull to victory at the US Nationals. Go in depth with the strategy and matchups of this unexpected Iyslander deck.

Rhea Adams sets out on an icy path from the Bleak Expanse to Nationals, seeing strong prospects for the Elemental Wizard.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Rhea Adams

1 year ago

Combining arcane damage with icy control, Iyslander brings a dynamic playstyle to the table. Learn the basics of the Elemental Wizard, from fusions to frostbite to freeze.

by: Shahmir Samee

1 year ago

The Uprising has arrived, and with it a lonely frost mage has been caught in the crossfire! Check out these week one decklists for Iyslander, Stormbind in Classic Constructed.

by: Steven Young

1 year ago

The new banned and restricted announcement has made waves in the blitz scene, with the Runeblades and Kano being knocked down a peg. But Iyslander was caught in the collateral damage. How do these bans impact her, and how can she perform in the micro-meta before Uprising?

by: Steven Young

1 year ago

While Kano has always commanded respect in the Blitz format, he's remained an unconventional choice for Classic Constructed. But Everfest has given Kano the tools to change that narrative.

by: Steven Young & Mark Chamberlain

2 years ago

Steven Young has been brushing away the snow to uncover the strategies of Iyslander- and has found a promising direction that's nothing like the Wizard decks we've experienced to date.

by: Steven Young & Mark Chamberlain

2 years ago

Take your Wizard game to the next level with this sophomore-level course in Kano.

by: Steven Young

2 years ago

Leave behind the strength of might and muscle. Embrace the strength of will and knowledge.

by: Steven Young

3 years ago

A new style of Ira is turning the patient, vengeful ninja into a bloodthirsty torrent of blades and kicks! What is driving this change, and how will the meta shift around it? Read about the new developments, and the insights of a wizard player into how Kano fits into the evolving metagame.

by: Steven Young

3 years ago