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Image of the card for Wounded Bull (Red)

It took 4 months, but Kano is back - and BlazingforLethal is here to explain everything.

by: Ronán Sovitzky

1 month ago

Why play Aether Hail in a Wounded Bull world? Rhea Adams makes the case for arcane damage.

by: Rhea Adams

1 year ago

Oldhim now becomes the first hero to attain Living Legend in both Blitz and Classic Constructed. Where should an Elemental Guardian player go next?

by: Alex Truell

1 year ago

As the meta finally thaws, Iyslander is left searching for a new path forward - but the Ice Wizard already has all the tools she needs.

by: Daniel Bellotti

1 year ago

Since Uprising elevated her status, Iyslander has reshaped the meta around her icy presence. While top tier builds require steep investments, it's entirely feasible to get results from a budget build, and to build up from there. Rhea takes you every step of the way.

by: Rhea Adams & Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Clay explains the theory behind Michael Hamilton's Worlds-winning deck and shows you how to put it to use in your own play

by: Mark Chamberlain & Clay DeAngelis

2 years ago

While Flesh and Blood’s card pool is still relatively shallow, there are clearly some diamonds in the rough waiting to be mined and refined.

by: Rhea Adams

2 years ago

In a surprising turn of events, Michael Hamilton rode a Wounded Bull to victory at the US Nationals. Go in depth with the strategy and matchups of this unexpected Iyslander deck.

With Everfest, we begin to see the class card pools reaching critical mass. Is FaB showing any hints of power creep? How do we weigh opportunity costs? Can decks afford to silo in their strategies, or do they need to diversify to answer the meta?

by: Drew Cordell

3 years ago