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Will Reinhardt

Will Reinhardt enjoys many card games, but none more so than Flesh and Blood. He loves any opportunity to share his passion for the game, strategy, and tips he's learned along the way. He now runs Cardboard Cast, creating content whenever he is not chasing his toddler around the house. Will is based in Roanoke, Virginia, USA.

Spirit of Eirina is an absolute game-changer for the Warrior of Light, giving a fresh new reason to break out Boltyn.

by: Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Since Uprising elevated her status, Iyslander has reshaped the meta around her icy presence. While top tier builds require steep investments, it's entirely feasible to get results from a budget build, and to build up from there. Rhea takes you every step of the way.

by: Rhea Adams & Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Dorinthea's reactive style can easily appear powerful, but does it hold up to scrutiny? How do we evaluate cards within a balanced, midrange deck?

by: Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

In the wake of Nationals season, casual players are inundated with honed, competitive decklists to base their builds on. But when it comes time to put your own spin on that Top 8 deck, how can you be sure you're not undercutting everything that made it successful?

by: Alex Truell & Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Build better decks and sideboards using the mystical powers of probability.

by: Jacob Wielgus & Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Even without Stubby Hammerers, Fai is a strong choice in the current meta. As he's done with Boltyn, Will analyzes cumulative value across Fai's gameplan to create a framework which can evaluate possible card choices.

by: Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Break away from hero-centric axioms and learn to evaluate the evergreen game principles that influence the decision to go first or second.

by: Jacob Wielgus & Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

The new Classic Battles box has gotten a lot of attention for Dorinthea's new specialization. But does the new Quicksilver Prodigy create fresh opportunities for Dori in Blitz?

In this follow-up to his prior examination of Charge's card efficiency, Will talks about the modern Boltyn build.

by: Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Will breaks down card evaluation by the numbers, and applies that methodology to one of the great questions of our time: is Charging your Soul even worth the trouble?

by: Will Reinhardt

3 years ago