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Author Clay

Clay DeAngelis

Clay studies psychology and plays fighting games in Vancouver, Canada. Some people call him Professor Rhinar, but really he just loves delving into things that other people take for granted.

Clay breaks down how Heavy Hitters impacted Rhinar, and shares his new tech for the classic Bloodrush deck

by: Clay DeAngelis

3 months ago

Clay's been poring over Teklovossen's notes, identified the goals of the deck, and lays out a path forward. Crib off his research notes and get up to speed fast!

by: Clay DeAngelis

9 months ago

Don't let the final price tags of competitive decklists scare you off! We'll show you how to start out with Rhinar, and a path forward once you're ready to commit more to him.

by: Clay DeAngelis

11 months ago

Knowing how to assess the value of equipment can do wonders for deck construction. Let's demystify the power of equipment.

by: Clay DeAngelis

1 year ago

When decks employ non-linear strategies for dealing damage, how can you take the temperature of your current game state?

by: Clay DeAngelis

1 year ago

Clay unravels the Ninja scrolls and delves into the heart of expert Katsu play: managing the combat chain.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Clay DeAngelis

1 year ago

Oftentimes, where you playtest matters just as much as how you playtest. We'll talk about both today.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Clay DeAngelis

1 year ago

Clay explains the theory behind Michael Hamilton's Worlds-winning deck and shows you how to put it to use in your own play

by: Mark Chamberlain & Clay DeAngelis

1 year ago

Clay takes a critical look at Scabskin Leathers, using probability to explain when and why you should choose to roll.

by: Clay DeAngelis

1 year ago