New sets ask you to try something different and branch out from your comfortable favorites. Seeking Horizons aims to bridge those gaps and make connections between what you enjoy doing now and what you may enjoy with the next set's debut. Today, we consider Kayo and revisit Rhinar.
by: Alex Truell
1 year ago
Don't let the final price tags of competitive decklists scare you off! We'll show you how to start out with Rhinar, and a path forward once you're ready to commit more to him.
by: Clay DeAngelis
1 year ago
Frank Hung is an advocate for constructing your own deck, especially in the early stages of your FaB journey. But where do you begin?
by: Frank Hung
3 years ago
In a world of hyper-aggro meta decks and 10 minute games, the art of defeating the seasoned control player has fallen into distant memory among the player base. Re-kindle the art of stacking the deck in your favor with part 1 of a 3-part series and leave the casual sphere behind for good!
by: Steven Young
3 years ago
Learn the basics of Rhinar's Brute strategy, from weapon selection to hand management.
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago
For those willing to delve deeply and invest the time to learn, Runeblade can be a complex and rewarding class to bring to tournaments of any size.
by: Kevin Brayer
3 years ago