Steven Young
Steven Young (@WizardofAlf) has been playing Flesh and Blood from November of 2019, and has been casually growing his collection ever since. He is an avid Wizard main, having played the class since before the release of Crucible of War, and is an advocate for its viability in the Classic Constructed format. He loves picking people's brains for opinions and new ways to think about the game, and is an active community member on both the community Discord and Facebook pages.
Steven Young goes down the rabbit hole with a Brainstorm deck that might crown Kano as the meme king of Flesh and Blood.
by: Steven Young
2 years ago
The Uprising has arrived, and with it a lonely frost mage has been caught in the crossfire! Check out these week one decklists for Iyslander, Stormbind in Classic Constructed.
by: Steven Young
2 years ago
The new banned and restricted announcement has made waves in the blitz scene, with the Runeblades and Kano being knocked down a peg. But Iyslander was caught in the collateral damage. How do these bans impact her, and how can she perform in the micro-meta before Uprising?
by: Steven Young
2 years ago
While Kano has always commanded respect in the Blitz format, he's remained an unconventional choice for Classic Constructed. But Everfest has given Kano the tools to change that narrative.
by: Steven Young & Mark Chamberlain
2 years ago
Steven Young has been brushing away the snow to uncover the strategies of Iyslander- and has found a promising direction that's nothing like the Wizard decks we've experienced to date.
by: Steven Young & Mark Chamberlain
3 years ago
In a world of hyper-aggro meta decks and 10 minute games, the art of defeating the seasoned control player has fallen into distant memory among the player base. Re-kindle the art of stacking the deck in your favor with part 1 of a 3-part series and leave the casual sphere behind for good!
by: Steven Young
3 years ago
Learn the basics of Prism the Light Illusionist in this introductory course into her abilities, cards and flavor. Pick a deck from her many styles of play and start your illusionist journey here!
by: Steven Young
3 years ago
Take your Wizard game to the next level with this sophomore-level course in Kano.
by: Steven Young
3 years ago
The meta is hard. Why not counter everything?
by: Steven Young
3 years ago
Leave behind the strength of might and muscle. Embrace the strength of will and knowledge.
by: Steven Young
3 years ago
A new style of Ira is turning the patient, vengeful ninja into a bloodthirsty torrent of blades and kicks! What is driving this change, and how will the meta shift around it? Read about the new developments, and the insights of a wizard player into how Kano fits into the evolving metagame.
by: Steven Young
3 years ago
Drone of Brutality has become the first Flesh and Blood card to be banned from the two major formats! What does this mean for the game?
by: Steven Young
3 years ago