Thoughts and Baubles: Running Down the Roster in Rosetta's Meta
Rosetta's shifting attention to the arcane heroes of FAB, but how are the others sitting? Today we briefly look at everyone, and touch on why you might want to take another look.
You may not be at Nationals, but it's impacting the way you experience FAB.
by: Alex Truell
7 months ago
Have you checked out the latest from Teklo?
by: John Sells
7 months ago
Simple as that: I'm here to explain the ins and outs of beating a Kano
by: RonĂ¡n Sovitzky
9 months ago
From zero to hero, Azalea's incredible ascent in the new Outsiders meta isn't an accident. It's the payoff of a slowly built toolkit and incredible community devotion.
by: Alex Truell
1 year ago
Rhinar has been waiting in the wings for his moment to shine, but did Outsiders improve his prospects?
by: Colin Bell
1 year ago
Your local FaB scene is a treasure. Don't spoil it.
by: Alex Truell
2 years ago
Tyler Horspool was halfway to winning the Calling before he even showed up in Las Vegas. Here's how he set himself up for success.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Tyler Horspool
3 years ago
Do we really know anything about the meta anymore?
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago
Drew Cordell's article on refining Bravo for the Road to Nationals was met with a huge response, and its impact continues to grow- our very own Mark Chamberlain won a RtN piloting this deck! Now, Drew answers the call for a matchup guide in this addendum to the original article.
by: Drew Cordell
3 years ago
The difference between an aggro deck and a control deck is often less about the cards and more about the mindset. Derek Watring draws from 2 Road to Nationals wins as he explains how a change in perspective can gain card advantage in a game of inches.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Derek Watring
3 years ago
In the opening week of Road to Nationals, Hatchet Dorinthea came out of nowhere to win an event. Christian Gilbert shares what led him to this unexpected deck- and why it worked.
3 years ago
With Road to Nationals ramping up to full swing, Drew Cordell explores his latest iteration of competitive, Classic Constructed Guardian after almost a month of heavy testing, designed to improve the Prism matchup without making sacrifices against any of the other top contenders of the format.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell
3 years ago
Jokerjake7 revisits Chane in preparation for Road to Nationals. Learn how to hone your deck in an increasingly hostile meta, and how to stand out in a saturated field.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Jacob Smith
3 years ago
A new style of Ira is turning the patient, vengeful ninja into a bloodthirsty torrent of blades and kicks! What is driving this change, and how will the meta shift around it? Read about the new developments, and the insights of a wizard player into how Kano fits into the evolving metagame.
by: Steven Young
3 years ago
Davis Kingsley, having recently won three of the Skirmish events he's competed in and placed Top 8 in the rest, shares his thought process, winning deck, and advice on how to approach a meta shifting towards Warrior domination.
3 years ago