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The Nationals

Have you checked out the latest from Teklo?

by: John Sells

4 weeks ago

Simple as that: I'm here to explain the ins and outs of beating a Kano

by: RonĂ¡n Sovitzky

2 months ago

From zero to hero, Azalea's incredible ascent in the new Outsiders meta isn't an accident. It's the payoff of a slowly built toolkit and incredible community devotion.

by: Alex Truell

1 year ago

Rhinar has been waiting in the wings for his moment to shine, but did Outsiders improve his prospects?

by: Colin Bell

1 year ago

Your local FaB scene is a treasure. Don't spoil it.

by: Alex Truell

2 years ago

Tyler Horspool was halfway to winning the Calling before he even showed up in Las Vegas. Here's how he set himself up for success.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Tyler Horspool

2 years ago

Do we really know anything about the meta anymore?

by: Alex Truell

2 years ago

Drew Cordell's article on refining Bravo for the Road to Nationals was met with a huge response, and its impact continues to grow- our very own Mark Chamberlain won a RtN piloting this deck! Now, Drew answers the call for a matchup guide in this addendum to the original article.

by: Drew Cordell

2 years ago

The difference between an aggro deck and a control deck is often less about the cards and more about the mindset. Derek Watring draws from 2 Road to Nationals wins as he explains how a change in perspective can gain card advantage in a game of inches.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Derek Watring

2 years ago

In the opening week of Road to Nationals, Hatchet Dorinthea came out of nowhere to win an event. Christian Gilbert shares what led him to this unexpected deck- and why it worked.

by: Christian Gilbert

2 years ago

With Road to Nationals ramping up to full swing, Drew Cordell explores his latest iteration of competitive, Classic Constructed Guardian after almost a month of heavy testing, designed to improve the Prism matchup without making sacrifices against any of the other top contenders of the format.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell

2 years ago

Jokerjake7 revisits Chane in preparation for Road to Nationals. Learn how to hone your deck in an increasingly hostile meta, and how to stand out in a saturated field.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Jacob Smith

2 years ago

A new style of Ira is turning the patient, vengeful ninja into a bloodthirsty torrent of blades and kicks! What is driving this change, and how will the meta shift around it? Read about the new developments, and the insights of a wizard player into how Kano fits into the evolving metagame.

by: Steven Young

3 years ago

Davis Kingsley, having recently won three of the Skirmish events he's competed in and placed Top 8 in the rest, shares his thought process, winning deck, and advice on how to approach a meta shifting towards Warrior domination.

by: Davis Tower Kingsley

3 years ago