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Warmer in
Moving On
from Iyslander

As the meta finally thaws, Iyslander is left searching for a new path forward - but the Ice Wizard already has all the tools she needs.

by: Daniel Bellotti

1 year ago

A narrow definition of Iyslander has dominated since Wounded Bull saw its resurgence. This deck explores another avenue, built around the Isenhowl Weathervane.

by: Daniel Bellotti

1 year ago

Since Uprising elevated her status, Iyslander has reshaped the meta around her icy presence. While top tier builds require steep investments, it's entirely feasible to get results from a budget build, and to build up from there. Rhea takes you every step of the way.

by: Rhea Adams & Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Clay explains the theory behind Michael Hamilton's Worlds-winning deck and shows you how to put it to use in your own play

by: Mark Chamberlain & Clay DeAngelis

2 years ago

In a surprising turn of events, Michael Hamilton rode a Wounded Bull to victory at the US Nationals. Go in depth with the strategy and matchups of this unexpected Iyslander deck.

Uprising gave us a closer look at the fiery region of Volcor, and with Dynasty just a few months away, tensions within the region are reaching a boiling point- a volcano ready to burst and wash away everything in its path of destruction.

by: Kale Brenzi

2 years ago

Rhea Adams sets out on an icy path from the Bleak Expanse to Nationals, seeing strong prospects for the Elemental Wizard.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Rhea Adams

2 years ago

Combining arcane damage with icy control, Iyslander brings a dynamic playstyle to the table. Learn the basics of the Elemental Wizard, from fusions to frostbite to freeze.

by: Shahmir Samee

2 years ago

The Uprising has arrived, and with it a lonely frost mage has been caught in the crossfire! Check out these week one decklists for Iyslander, Stormbind in Classic Constructed.

by: Steven Young

2 years ago

If you- like me- are a limited aficionado and are planning to slay pre-release and Road to Nationals, then you want to get acquainted with the format right now.

by: Tyler Horspool

2 years ago

The new banned and restricted announcement has made waves in the blitz scene, with the Runeblades and Kano being knocked down a peg. But Iyslander was caught in the collateral damage. How do these bans impact her, and how can she perform in the micro-meta before Uprising?

by: Steven Young

2 years ago

Korshem's current reputation is eclipsed by the impact of the other landmark, the Great Library of Solana. But Korshem has potential waiting to be tapped.

by: Alex Truell & Mark Chamberlain

2 years ago

Steven Young has been brushing away the snow to uncover the strategies of Iyslander- and has found a promising direction that's nothing like the Wizard decks we've experienced to date.

by: Steven Young & Mark Chamberlain

3 years ago