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Aurora has quickly carved out a role for herself in the Living Legend meta through the use of Ball Lightning. Abby explains why and how.

by: Abigail Welday

1 month ago

With our first Living Legend event behind us, it's time to talk about the second string of contenders, and what angles they'll need to shoot to make their mark in a Starvo world.

by: Kevin Brayer

1 year ago

Story and strategy come together in this Armory-ready Korshem deck.

by: Alex Truell

1 year ago

The changes made to the Blitz format in the latest Banned and Restricted announcement sent a message that is pretty easy to read: LSS clearly wanted to slow things down.

by: Kevin Brayer

2 years ago

After a strong showing in the recent ProQuest series, Viserai was poised to be a top contender for the upcoming Pro Tour. However, the recent suspension of Bloodsheath Skeleta- a core card for both aggressive and control-oriented Viserai playstyles- has thrown the classic Runeblade hero for a loop.

While Bravo fights to maintain his hold on the meta against a resurgent Prism, Viserai is primed for a comeback. Drew shares tips and a matchup guide for a midrange deck prepared to challenge the top heroes in Flesh and Blood.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell

2 years ago

While Chane steals the spotlight, Viserai is learning new tricks...

by: Kevin Brayer

3 years ago

For those willing to delve deeply and invest the time to learn, Runeblade can be a complex and rewarding class to bring to tournaments of any size.

by: Kevin Brayer

3 years ago