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Clay unravels the Ninja scrolls and delves into the heart of expert Katsu play: managing the combat chain.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Clay DeAngelis

1 year ago

Since the fall of Belittle, many Fai decks have had to return to the shop and rethink their values. Joshua Kehe offers guidance on the many paths that lay before you.

by: Joshua Kehe

2 years ago

Fai pushes the Ninja's wide combat chain toward explosive conclusions, making powerful use of a full hand.

by: Joshua Kehe

2 years ago

As Prism joins the Living Legends of Classic Constructed, Light Illusionist players will need to decide where to go from here. James Adams examines Prism's central features and draws parallels to other heroes in the game.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Rhea Adams

2 years ago

Even without Stubby Hammerers, Fai is a strong choice in the current meta. As he's done with Boltyn, Will analyzes cumulative value across Fai's gameplan to create a framework which can evaluate possible card choices.

by: Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Fai has made an explosive impact on the fresh Uprising tournament scene. Preparing for him is necessary for any competitive aspirations.

From the inception of the game, the Ninja class has been a cornerstone of the meta. In the wake of Briar's neutralizing, Katsu is primed for a comeback.

by: Nick Gabler

3 years ago

Frank Hung is an advocate for constructing your own deck, especially in the early stages of your FaB journey. But where do you begin?

by: Frank Hung

3 years ago

The difference between an aggro deck and a control deck is often less about the cards and more about the mindset. Derek Watring draws from 2 Road to Nationals wins as he explains how a change in perspective can gain card advantage in a game of inches.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Derek Watring

3 years ago

Off the back of a week 1 RtN win, Max Thomas talks us through what makes Midrange Katsu a premiere deck in today's meta.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Max Thomas

3 years ago

Ada looks back on her whiffed RF Shiyana prediction, and attempts to figure out what exactly is going on with the Diamond Gemini’s price.

by: Ada Korman

3 years ago

In honour of those who fought for the Light, and fell in the battle against the Shadow; their names shall always be remembered. The Rathe Times would like to introduce to you: Memorial Ground.

by: Davis Tower Kingsley

3 years ago

Davis Kingsley, having recently won three of the Skirmish events he's competed in and placed Top 8 in the rest, shares his thought process, winning deck, and advice on how to approach a meta shifting towards Warrior domination.

by: Davis Tower Kingsley

3 years ago