Brutes’ inconsistency is about to be a thing of the past. Mostly.
by: Kevin Brayer
1 year ago
Don't let the final price tags of competitive decklists scare you off! We'll show you how to start out with Rhinar, and a path forward once you're ready to commit more to him.
by: Clay DeAngelis
1 year ago
Knowing how to assess the value of equipment can do wonders for deck construction. Let's demystify the power of equipment.
by: Clay DeAngelis
1 year ago
The very premise of a Commoner format determines that it should not be hard to acquire any cards. Here are some staples you should be considering every time you build a deck.
by: Drew Cordell
2 years ago
After a strong showing in the recent ProQuest series, Viserai was poised to be a top contender for the upcoming Pro Tour. However, the recent suspension of Bloodsheath Skeleta- a core card for both aggressive and control-oriented Viserai playstyles- has thrown the classic Runeblade hero for a loop.
by: Davis Tower Kingsley & Mark Chamberlain
2 years ago
"Nothing quite compares to the snarling roar the brutes unleash when they feel that their territory is threatened." Rhinar in Commoner is a force to be reckoned with.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Tommy Mains
2 years ago
From the inception of the game, the Ninja class has been a cornerstone of the meta. In the wake of Briar's neutralizing, Katsu is primed for a comeback.
by: Nick Gabler
3 years ago
Stuck for ideas? Are there too many appealing options? Ever the diplomat, Shiyana has a tantalizing proposition for you: Play all of them.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Kiki Labad
3 years ago
If Road to Nationals has shown us anything, it's that Levia is the new Azalea. But what if everything we know about building and playing Levia is wrong?
by: Mark Chamberlain
3 years ago
Wesley shows what Guardian can do with nothing but Commons.
by: Wesley Lingard
3 years ago