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Author Tommy

Tommy Mains

Tommy Mains writes about the tabletop gaming hobby at and produces videos with his brother on the Flesh and Blood Brothers YouTube Channel. He is an aspiring competitive Flesh and Blood player and is thrilled to continue reading the lore of Rathe. He can be reached at or through his website:

Brevant adds new dimension to the Guardian class, giving meaning to past cards and fresh tools to his class comrades.

by: Tommy Mains

1 year ago

Bravo's never felt completely comfortable in his shoes, but even as his collection grows, there's a reason to consider going back to a WTR classic.

by: Tommy Mains

2 years ago

"Nothing quite compares to the snarling roar the brutes unleash when they feel that their territory is threatened." Rhinar in Commoner is a force to be reckoned with.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Tommy Mains

2 years ago