Harnessing the Storm: Isenhowl Iyslander
A narrow definition of Iyslander has dominated since Wounded Bull saw its resurgence. This deck explores another avenue, built around the Isenhowl Weathervane.
Two weeks into Pro Quest Season 3, with The Calling - Indianapolis right around the corner, LSS has decided to give the Classic Constructed format a little shake-up.
by: Kevin Brayer
1 year ago
Since Uprising elevated her status, Iyslander has reshaped the meta around her icy presence. While top tier builds require steep investments, it's entirely feasible to get results from a budget build, and to build up from there. Rhea takes you every step of the way.
by: Rhea Adams & Will Reinhardt
2 years ago
With a third Ice hero dropping Frostbites in Classic Constructed, disruption strategies have never been more prevalent. To truly prepare for the meta, you need to expect the unexpected.
by: Alex Truell & Mark Chamberlain
2 years ago
Rhea Adams sets out on an icy path from the Bleak Expanse to Nationals, seeing strong prospects for the Elemental Wizard.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Rhea Adams
2 years ago
Combining arcane damage with icy control, Iyslander brings a dynamic playstyle to the table. Learn the basics of the Elemental Wizard, from fusions to frostbite to freeze.
by: Shahmir Samee
2 years ago
The Uprising has arrived, and with it a lonely frost mage has been caught in the crossfire! Check out these week one decklists for Iyslander, Stormbind in Classic Constructed.
by: Steven Young
2 years ago
If you- like me- are a limited aficionado and are planning to slay pre-release and Road to Nationals, then you want to get acquainted with the format right now.
by: Tyler Horspool
2 years ago
The new banned and restricted announcement has made waves in the blitz scene, with the Runeblades and Kano being knocked down a peg. But Iyslander was caught in the collateral damage. How do these bans impact her, and how can she perform in the micro-meta before Uprising?
by: Steven Young
2 years ago
Steven Young has been brushing away the snow to uncover the strategies of Iyslander- and has found a promising direction that's nothing like the Wizard decks we've experienced to date.
by: Steven Young & Mark Chamberlain
2 years ago
Blitz Week concludes with a thorough look at converting Oldhim for a faster format.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell
2 years ago
Isaac Jessen took Ice Lexi to a Top 8 finish in Orlando. Now, he brings his expertise to you in a Pro deck tech and matchup guide.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Isaac Jessen
2 years ago
Runeblade may have dominated the US Nationals, but it was Lexi who stole the spotlight when the Top 8 was announced. Isaac Jessen shares with us why an Ice Ranger was the perfect counter to the Briar field.
by: Isaac Jessen
3 years ago
Elemental Essence gave us wide areas of overlap between the heroes found in Tales of Aria. But despite sharing a common pool of cards, these heroes use their elemental affinity in very different ways. Today we look at Ice.
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago