This PQ season, Riptide picked up his first LL points in almost a year. Let’s check in on Riptide and the different lists seeing success!
by: Talon Stradley
10 months ago
Rangers are notably vulnerable to fatigue, but Riptide players have begun to find their niche in the late game.
by: Rogue Theory
11 months ago
Early previews have begun for Heavy Hitters' expansion slot, and Talon is taking the bait with the new Riptide-ready Ranger card, Reel In.
by: Talon Stradley
1 year ago
The bright spotlight on Lexi and fandom rooting for Azalea has relegated Riptide to a novelty act. But there's reason to take another look at the grim fisherman.
by: Alex Truell
1 year ago
Ever the survivalist, Riptide finds a path forward with this Pox-focused build for Classic Constructed.
by: Joseph Cicchini
1 year ago
As we wrap up the year, let's do some forecasting on future class designs based on loose ends and themes.
by: Alex Truell & Mark Chamberlain
2 years ago
Why get up close and personal when you can kill from a distance? Learn the basics of the Ranger class.
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Ranger is another class that Monarch didn't revisit. How will Ranger decks fare in the new Monarch landscape?
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago
Ranger has proven a difficult class for many to get their head around, and if the meta is any clue than she is certainly a tough nut to crack. Hayden Dale walks us through his journey with the infamous Ranger, sharing insights and advice on this hero requiring finesse.
by: Hayden Dale
4 years ago