Known for being 'too fair', Warrior has long struggled to reach the upper tiers of any FAB meta. Will Fang break the curse?
by: Alex Truell
3 weeks ago
Dual wielding has gone mainstream, but which Warrior does it best?
by: Kevin Brayer
1 year ago
With new flourishes on the same old trick, Dorinthea has been returning to competitive gameplay in advance of the next Warrior re-feature.
1 year ago
Dorinthea's reactive style can easily appear powerful, but does it hold up to scrutiny? How do we evaluate cards within a balanced, midrange deck?
by: Will Reinhardt
2 years ago
Warriors live by the sword. Bluff your opponent with reactions that climb over defenses.
by: Thomas Despain
2 years ago
The new Classic Battles box has gotten a lot of attention for Dorinthea's new specialization. But does the new Quicksilver Prodigy create fresh opportunities for Dori in Blitz?
by: Davis Tower Kingsley & Will Reinhardt
2 years ago
A punisher mechanic asks your opponent to make a decision, and punishes them for choosing wrong. Dorinthea is a prime example of punisher mechanics- but she falls victim to them just as often!
by: Roger Bodee
3 years ago
Michael is back to talk about mistakes, and how to make the most of them!
by: Michael Clair
3 years ago
Davis Kingsley, having recently won three of the Skirmish events he's competed in and placed Top 8 in the rest, shares his thought process, winning deck, and advice on how to approach a meta shifting towards Warrior domination.
3 years ago