With a budget of $50, this series sets out to build Armory decks in the style of LSS' official offerings.
by: Clark Moore
2 months ago
Bravo is an enduring fixture of the meta for a reason. Mark explores truths that keep Bravo relevant and offers evergreen guidance.
by: Mark Chamberlain
1 year ago
Bravo's never felt completely comfortable in his shoes, but even as his collection grows, there's a reason to consider going back to a WTR classic.
by: Tommy Mains
1 year ago
The very premise of a Commoner format determines that it should not be hard to acquire any cards. Here are some staples you should be considering every time you build a deck.
by: Drew Cordell
2 years ago
"Nothing quite compares to the snarling roar the brutes unleash when they feel that their territory is threatened." Rhinar in Commoner is a force to be reckoned with.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Tommy Mains
2 years ago
Frank Hung is an advocate for constructing your own deck, especially in the early stages of your FaB journey. But where do you begin?
by: Frank Hung
2 years ago
How the FaB community saved the 1st Edition Monarch experience. Why weapons- and specifically, a wide array of them- are doing more for deck diversity than any card type in the game.
by: Alex Truell & Mark Chamberlain
3 years ago
Wesley shows what Guardian can do with nothing but Commons.
by: Wesley Lingard
3 years ago