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With our first Living Legend event behind us, it's time to talk about the second string of contenders, and what angles they'll need to shoot to make their mark in a Starvo world.

by: Kevin Brayer

1 year ago

In Blitz, Kano is a force to be reckoned with. But learning the ways of the Wizard is a formidable task.

by: Daniel Bellotti

1 year ago

Since Uprising elevated her status, Iyslander has reshaped the meta around her icy presence. While top tier builds require steep investments, it's entirely feasible to get results from a budget build, and to build up from there. Rhea takes you every step of the way.

by: Rhea Adams & Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Clay explains the theory behind Michael Hamilton's Worlds-winning deck and shows you how to put it to use in your own play

by: Mark Chamberlain & Clay DeAngelis

2 years ago

Steven Young has been brushing away the snow to uncover the strategies of Iyslander- and has found a promising direction that's nothing like the Wizard decks we've experienced to date.

by: Steven Young & Mark Chamberlain

3 years ago