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Is Chane primed for a comeback? Davis interviews Alex Keeler, who piloted Chane to a 2nd place finish at the Cincinnati Pro Quest, and discusses the strategic shift required to get Chane back on track.

by: Davis Tower Kingsley

3 years ago

When we sit down to the challenge of a game of FaB, we do it alone- but in every moment leading up to it, you benefit from being part of a competitive team.

by: Mark Chamberlain

3 years ago

A loss is a humbling experience; you’re going to think about where you’ve made mistakes, what could have been done differently, how close you were to winning and it’s going to feel bad. But let's talk about what you can take away from them.

by: Kiki Labad

3 years ago

Welcome to The Rathe Times! In this special launch edition of Thoughts and Baubles, we take a look at the state of the game, online tournaments, and Monarch fearmongering.

by: Alex Truell

4 years ago