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Two weeks into Pro Quest Season 3, with The Calling - Indianapolis right around the corner, LSS has decided to give the Classic Constructed format a little shake-up.

by: Kevin Brayer

1 year ago

Oldhim is built to stand the test of time. Outlast your opponents, weather the storm, and whittle them down with your trusty hammer until they’ve run out of power to fight back.

by: Drew Cordell

2 years ago

Korshem's current reputation is eclipsed by the impact of the other landmark, the Great Library of Solana. But Korshem has potential waiting to be tapped.

by: Alex Truell & Mark Chamberlain

2 years ago

Blitz Week concludes with a thorough look at converting Oldhim for a faster format.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell

2 years ago

Drew Cordell concludes his Pro series on Oldhim in the face of an environment that's gone green.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell

2 years ago

With another 50 games of Oldhim under his belt, Drew offers advanced insight into pitching, reverses his earlier opinions on a few cards, and critically examines fatigue.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell

2 years ago

A companion to Refining Oldhim Part 2, this matchup guide goes into strategic considerations and sideboarding for all heroes.

by: Drew Cordell

2 years ago

Drew's Oldhim build is tested and refined, with development focused on matchup-specific decisions. But when Oldhim shows Drew how he earned the title, "Grandfather of Eternity", can anything be done to beat the clock?

by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell

2 years ago

Elemental Essence gave us wide areas of overlap between the heroes found in Tales of Aria. But despite sharing a common pool of cards, these heroes use their elemental affinity in very different ways. Today we look at Earth.

by: Davis Tower Kingsley

2 years ago

Elemental Essence gave us wide areas of overlap between the heroes found in Tales of Aria. But despite sharing a common pool of cards, these heroes use their elemental affinity in very different ways. Today we look at Ice.

by: Alex Truell

2 years ago

Drew invites you to walk alongside him as he develops, adapts, and refines Oldhim from new release to honed contender. This free introduction shares some early insights into the core of Oldhim, setting up the 4-part Pro series that begins today.

by: Drew Cordell

2 years ago

Drew invites you to walk alongside him as he develops, adapts, and refines Oldhim from new release to honed contender.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell

2 years ago

Alex, Drew, and Kevin share their Day 1 deck lists for the three new classes in Tales of Aria.

by: Alex Truell , Kevin Brayer , Drew Cordell

2 years ago