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The Nationals circuit has shown that the original heroes of Welcome to Rathe and Arcane Rising still have what it takes to compete- and the wisdom of a non-rotating format.

by: Alex Truell

1 year ago

Fresh off a victory at the Malaysia Nationals, Nitya Kalaichelvan addresses why Rhinar was the right choice for the meta, how to shift strategies, and her tips for sideboarding against the competition.

by: Nitya Kalaichelvan

1 year ago

Runeblade may have dominated the US Nationals, but it was Lexi who stole the spotlight when the Top 8 was announced. Isaac Jessen shares with us why an Ice Ranger was the perfect counter to the Briar field.

by: Isaac Jessen

2 years ago

Nationals showcased the diversity of the game- if you can brush away the Briars. But is the explosive growth of the newest Runeblade a sign of balance problems, or simply a consequence of online communities?

by: Alex Truell

2 years ago