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Nationals... and What Comes Next

Nationals season is well underway, with the final weekend fast approaching. Check out the streams/vods, and let's take a look at the breakdown.

Nuu and Victor seem to be picking up steam as the global playerbase figures out more and more of the newly updated gamespace. Zen is still a spooky deck to face, but the more that a deck gets played the more attention is paid to it's flaws. Players all over the world are trying to crack the code of the new metagame, and it seems as though every week something new is happening in the space. Now is an exciting time to be a part of the game!

Of the 45 Nationals events this year, 16 have yet to take place, and it just ain't over 'til it's over. Stay tuned for the final results after this weekend, and click this link to be taken to the decklists that have been rocking out in this competitive season. 

Living Legends

I'm always interested in watching this chart move, as it represents the movements of power in the game in a very raw way. What I've noticed, for example, is the upwards mobility of Dash, Inventor Extraordiare and Zen, Tamer of Purpose. OG Dash sits at the top of the LL leaderboard, having gained a cushion of 50 points in this season thusfar; now she sits a mere 140 points from teetering over the edge and in to the realm of legends. Zen has gained the most points this season, tracking ahead of Nuu by 120 points at the time of writing, but I wouldn't take too much away from that: once the aggro deck gets figured out, the control deck is soon to follow.

Pro Tour Amsterdam HYPE

The next major installment in competitive life for the Flesh and Blood professionals is also right around the corner, with impressive prizes and more on the docket for attendees. Not everything at the Pro Tour has to do with the highest levels of competition, though: not only is there a ton to do in the Venice of the North, but the levels of FAB competition stretch all the way from side events and meet and greets to the very summit of the Pro Tour.

If you aren't sure of what to expect at an event like this, don't worry: LSS is thinking about you. Check out this article!


The next set has been revealed, and it is the long-anticipated all-arcane set, featuring new Runeblades and Wizards. There may be a few ways to send 'regular' damage as well, but rest assured that this return to the elements of Earth and Lightning will bring plenty of arcane damage to go around. The World Premier will be at The Calling: Tampa Bay, so grab some sunscreen and head on down to sunny Florida in early September to get a piece of the action!

FAB at GenCon

After five years of success, Legend Story Studios and the FABTCG are going to the grand gaming convention of the USA: GenCon. There's an exclusive-to-conventions Hero card for attending the event and swinging by the LSS booth, plus the early-access debut of the First Strike decks AND the Azalea armory deck which will surely be a hit for newly interested players. If you are going to be in or around Indianapolis for the first four days of August, it's certainly worth your while!

Upcoming B&R Announcement

There has been a lot of clamor and discussion surrounding potential bans or errata for the latest aggressive deck, but let me weigh in on this one - aggro decks always do well in the early stages of a metagame. Let them cook, I say. The next B&R announcement is in just a few days, set to drop on Monday July 8th, so be sure to tune in to the mothership or just check back here: we will have you covered.

It Is Time to Not Be Quiet About Flesh and Blood

Over the last few weeks, some of the voices in Flesh and Blood's public social media have begun to get a little louder, rallying under the mantra: It Is Time to Not Be Quiet About Flesh and Blood. Folks, I could not agree more. The things you love deserve your support: check out some of these videos, share them around, and maybe even make one of your own. The World deserves to know about FAB, so now is just not the time to be quiet about how much fun we are all having in this card game. Share your collection, show a friend how to play, or just talk about it at the LGS with your buds: it all adds up.

Now that is a lot of news! Thanks for checking in with us for your weekly serving of FAB news, as well as all of the great articles that we have coming to you each and every week. Check back next week for more from the Rathe Times!

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