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vs. Scrapping:

Clay's been poring over Teklovossen's notes, identified the goals of the deck, and lays out a path forward. Crib off his research notes and get up to speed fast!

by: Clay DeAngelis

9 months ago

Are you ready to race through the streets of Metrix? Join Maxx while he shows you how to handle things his way.

by: Tim Bierholz

9 months ago

As we wrap up the year, let's do some forecasting on future class designs based on loose ends and themes.

by: Alex Truell & Mark Chamberlain

1 year ago

Everfest has put Items in the spotlight like never before. Take a closer look at how they work, and who they work for.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell

2 years ago

With the debut of Light and Shadow Talents, a new theory has risen up concerning the Mechanologist "class"...

by: Alex Truell

3 years ago

Each class has a big pool of cards to swim in. Don't limit yourself to the mainstream.

by: Alex Truell

3 years ago