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Image of the card for Searing Emberblade

This summer, I started bringing my 6-year-old to the occasional Armory as a bye-round breaker. The Junior League presents decks streamlined to her level.

by: Alex Truell

4 months ago

With our first Living Legend event behind us, it's time to talk about the second string of contenders, and what angles they'll need to shoot to make their mark in a Starvo world.

by: Kevin Brayer

1 year ago

Since the fall of Belittle, many Fai decks have had to return to the shop and rethink their values. Joshua Kehe offers guidance on the many paths that lay before you.

by: Joshua Kehe

2 years ago

Fai pushes the Ninja's wide combat chain toward explosive conclusions, making powerful use of a full hand.

by: Joshua Kehe

2 years ago

It's one thing for a deck to win, and quite another for it to win consistently.

by: Alex Truell

2 years ago

Even without Stubby Hammerers, Fai is a strong choice in the current meta. As he's done with Boltyn, Will analyzes cumulative value across Fai's gameplan to create a framework which can evaluate possible card choices.

by: Will Reinhardt

2 years ago

Fai has made an explosive impact on the fresh Uprising tournament scene. Preparing for him is necessary for any competitive aspirations.

If you- like me- are a limited aficionado and are planning to slay pre-release and Road to Nationals, then you want to get acquainted with the format right now.

by: Tyler Horspool

2 years ago