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Allow me to give away all of the secrets! (Sorry Kano players)

by: Andrew Henderson

9 months ago

Learn the basics of Bravo and the Guardian class, from Crush and Dominate to Auras and Equipment.

by: Alex Truell

2 years ago

When considering picking up a new deck, it's worth asking a few questions. "Are the Legendaries important?“ "How cheap is it to build this hero?“ "Is the deck viable on a budget?“ Our Budget Builds series aims to put you on a competitive playing field without a big financial investment.

by: Tim Bierholz

2 years ago

Sideboarding is a topic worthy of in-depth discussion, but the most common interactions tend to be fairly high level. Kevin breaks it down to the core concepts to get you started.

by: Kevin Brayer

2 years ago

The first time you face down arcane damage, it can feel unblockable; and even with experience, adjusting your gameplan to arcane prevention can feel like a nuisance. Here are some techniques to help your arcane blocking game.

The very premise of a Commoner format determines that it should not be hard to acquire any cards. Here are some staples you should be considering every time you build a deck.

by: Drew Cordell

2 years ago

Prepare yourself for shenanigans with Pro Tour: New Jersey's exclusive promotional hero, Yorick!

by: Kevin Brayer

2 years ago

Leave behind the strength of might and muscle. Embrace the strength of will and knowledge.

by: Steven Young

3 years ago