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Simple as that: I'm here to explain the ins and outs of beating a Kano

by: RonĂ¡n Sovitzky

7 months ago

Allow me to give away all of the secrets! (Sorry Kano players)

by: Andrew Henderson

7 months ago

Learn the basics of Bravo and the Guardian class, from Crush and Dominate to Auras and Equipment.

by: Alex Truell

2 years ago

The first time you face down arcane damage, it can feel unblockable; and even with experience, adjusting your gameplan to arcane prevention can feel like a nuisance. Here are some techniques to help your arcane blocking game.

Prepare yourself for shenanigans with Pro Tour: New Jersey's exclusive promotional hero, Yorick!

by: Kevin Brayer

2 years ago

Frank Hung is an advocate for constructing your own deck, especially in the early stages of your FaB journey. But where do you begin?

by: Frank Hung

2 years ago

Skirmish season offers a significant format transition from the standards of the last several months. Drew Cordell helps you get your feet beneath you. This article covers the specifics of the Tales of Aria Skirmish season.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell

3 years ago

Drew Cordell's article on refining Bravo for the Road to Nationals was met with a huge response, and its impact continues to grow- our very own Mark Chamberlain won a RtN piloting this deck! Now, Drew answers the call for a matchup guide in this addendum to the original article.

by: Drew Cordell

3 years ago

Leave behind the strength of might and muscle. Embrace the strength of will and knowledge.

by: Steven Young

3 years ago