![Image of the card for Mangle (Red)](https://storage.googleapis.com/fabmaster/cardfaces/2020-CRU/CRU026.png)
With a budget of $50, this series sets out to build Armory decks in the style of LSS' official offerings.
by: Clark Moore
3 months ago
Valda may be yet another Guardian hero, but with a unique focus on card draw, her playstyle is entirely different.
by: Drew Cordell
3 years ago
When we sit down to the challenge of a game of FaB, we do it alone- but in every moment leading up to it, you benefit from being part of a competitive team.
by: Mark Chamberlain
3 years ago
With Road to Nationals ramping up to full swing, Drew Cordell explores his latest iteration of competitive, Classic Constructed Guardian after almost a month of heavy testing, designed to improve the Prism matchup without making sacrifices against any of the other top contenders of the format.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell
3 years ago
Drew Cordell explores the duality of Guardian, pairing high defense with staggering offense at the flip of a switch. In Part 1, we look at the decklist and explore its central strategy.
by: Mark Chamberlain & Drew Cordell
3 years ago
Wesley shows what Guardian can do with nothing but Commons.
by: Wesley Lingard
3 years ago
Bravo is good with a hammer, but is that all there is to him?
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago