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Image of the card for Bare Fangs (Red)

True to LSS' mission to "bring people together... through the common language of playing great games", Ayli explores the social depth of playing a TCG together.

by: Ayli Paolucci-MacLean

1 day ago

Brutes’ inconsistency is about to be a thing of the past. Mostly.

by: Kevin Brayer

10 months ago

Fresh off a victory at the Malaysia Nationals, Nitya Kalaichelvan addresses why Rhinar was the right choice for the meta, how to shift strategies, and her tips for sideboarding against the competition.

by: Nitya Kalaichelvan

2 years ago

"Nothing quite compares to the snarling roar the brutes unleash when they feel that their territory is threatened." Rhinar in Commoner is a force to be reckoned with.

by: Mark Chamberlain & Tommy Mains

2 years ago