With our first Living Legend event behind us, it's time to talk about the second string of contenders, and what angles they'll need to shoot to make their mark in a Starvo world.
by: Kevin Brayer
1 year ago
Each class has a big pool of cards to swim in. Don't limit yourself to the mainstream.
by: Alex Truell
3 years ago
While the spotlight has been resting firmly on Ira and Dorinthea during the Skirmish series, Viserai has been making a place for himself in the shadows. Kevin Brayer explains the deck that's brought the Arknight into the Top 8.
by: Kevin Brayer
3 years ago
For those willing to delve deeply and invest the time to learn, Runeblade can be a complex and rewarding class to bring to tournaments of any size.
by: Kevin Brayer
3 years ago