Our latest Pro Series article - available to Rathe Times subscribers - lays a foundation for Chane in Living Legend.
by: Kevin Brayer
1 month ago
There is no better time to get into a hero whose potential has yet to be fully realized than before it inevitably happens.
by: Kevin Brayer
1 year ago
Peer into the darkness, where the Iron Maiden waits for her time in the shadows.
by: Kevin Brayer
1 year ago
The first time you face down arcane damage, it can feel unblockable; and even with experience, adjusting your gameplan to arcane prevention can feel like a nuisance. Here are some techniques to help your arcane blocking game.
by: Davis Tower Kingsley & Mark Chamberlain
2 years ago
Chane's access to banished power pushed him to the forefront of competitive play, earning him the title of Living Legend. Learn how to harness the power of the shadows.
by: Kevin Brayer
2 years ago
The Commoner format is a place where unexpected cards can shine in the limited card pool. But what happens when a popular and proven combo from CC and Blitz finds its way there?
by: Ian Holland
2 years ago
In this series, Ada (Freyja) reviews the important market changes of the past month, discusses significant events, and makes predictions about what will happen to the Flesh and Blood singles and sealed markets in the short and long term.
by: Ada Korman
3 years ago
Levia is a powerful new force of reckoning on the battlefield. Explore her shadowy potential in this powerful budget Blitz deck designed by Drew Cordell.
by: Drew Cordell
3 years ago