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Pro Quest Begins, and Already Everything Changes!

Newsweek in Rathe

The wheel of time is turning, and this week we have gathered up some more news for you from that which catches on the spindles! Gossamer threads of victory and defeat; sinew to the story of legends. It well and truly is Pro Quest season five now, but that's not all: Battle Hardened results are in, plus a smattering of great strategy content from around the web is served up for you to enjoy.

But first, my editor Alex wants to interject:

Last week, in my flurry to prepare for my own Pro Quest event, I missed publishing Mark's weekly news summary. It's retroactively published now, so if you'd like to read his thoughts on the steady stream of transcendent Part the Mistveil spoilers, swing back to it here. Sorry Mark! Continue!

Farewell to a Legend

After 22 months of Draconic domination, the fiery Dromai is finally elevated to the lofty heights of Living Legend status. Alex Truell has a bit to say on the matter, and so do Legend Story Studios: but what I'll contribute is this. Dromai was a powerful force in Classic Constructed, and we are sad to see her go, but don't sell off those dragon marvels just yet: the Living Legend system has a new place for her deck to run around in. I am very excited to see what she can do there, and I can't wait to see what LSS does to bring the Draconic Illusionist back to CC.

Tournament Results

The tournament season never stops, friends! Battle Hardeneds have their results coming in hot, nearly every weekend - here are some of the events and decklists to look out for as they seep in to the meta. 

Battle Hardened: Bydgoszcz was run as a Charity event, and Piotr Gruszczynski took the big prize with expert piloting of the classic lady of battle, Dorinthea.

Battle Hardened Atlanta was part of Dromai's last hurrah, and we can all give a hearty thank-you Jeremy Chen for the added 40 points in her story of legend.

Pro Quest week one is wrapped and with it goes Dromai, which means that the meta is about to get extremely volatile as decks lean away from respecting Dromai and either find new ground of their own, or bend and shape to respect the new meta as it emerges. Some heroes are more reactive than others, but remember this: always be on the lookout for aggro decks in a new meta, as they are frequently the best positioned to take advantage of all the uncertainty. Be sure to check in with Kasharn Rao every week over at the mothership as they break down the metagame while the pro quest season evolves.

Coming up this weekend (April 19-21) is Battle Hardened: San Francisco, and it will be the very first major event following Dromai's ascension - it's going to be an event to pay attention to!

Next weekend (April 26-28) is going to be a scuffle in Spain as players take to the autonomous community of Valencia. This week is just as exciting as the last, as we will be seeing the real-time evolution of the metagame through both the Pro Quest and Global Competitive seasons!

Strategic Stuff of Substance

Have you been wanting to take down tournaments in new and exciting ways? Testing out a new or unrefined hero can be just the ticket, and Talon Stradley has the puncher

Arsenal Pass discusses Sideboarding and the exciting new meta we are in, one where silver bullets shine bright and new theories of deckbuilding are brought to light.

Everyone's been talking about Chi ahead of its big gameplay debut next month, but I can't help but think about the skill of making your own luck...

Legend Story Studios continues their series called Primed to Fight, and this week Arthur Trehet, recent champion of Pro tour Los Angeles, weighs in with his thoughts on the delicate art of Pitch Stacking.

Thanks so much for joining us for another week of news in the world of Rathe! Stay tuned for more strategy content posted here weekly, and if all else fails, we'll see you next week for the news.

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