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Herald of Rebirth Giveaway

It's extremely fulfilling to be a content creator for Flesh and Blood.

I say this as someone who has written extensively for other games, and struggled with feeling underappreciated. The amount of work that goes into writing an article is easily overlooked, perhaps equated with the time it takes to read that article. That's before we consider elements like 'honing your writing skills', 'gaining necessary expertise', and 'suppressing a feeling of imposter syndrome'.

The Flesh and Blood community is extremely welcoming, and also very engaged. You guys respond to what we put out there, in comments on Facebook and Discord and Reddit and even in game shops. And ultimately, that community engagement is what many of us are in this for. We want to put our thoughts out there to start a discussion. So thank you all for that.

The company behind Flesh and Blood- Legend Story Studios- is unusually engaged with their community. They may produce what we all consume, but they're also out in the audience when we write. I know this because, when they reached out to me to write about Skirmish Season 4, they cited specific articles I'd written and the way I approach the subject matter in their explanation for why they chose me for the role. They're reading. They're connected. They're interested.

Which leads us to this: a Content Creator kit, sent to the Rathe Times with a letter of appreciation for not just what we do here, but for how the community has engaged with it. These cards and playmats are a thank you to the fans at all levels. And to reflect that, these promos will be given out in a way consistent with that.

Card image of Herald of Rebirth (Red)
Card image of Herald of Rebirth (Yellow)
Card image of Herald of Rebirth (Blue)

The Rathe Times is a collaborative creation. As such, the first promos to be given out will go to a few of our most prolific and committed contributors. Many of these authors are why we can keep a regular content schedule. They meet deadlines, pick up dropped schedule slots, and consistently deliver high quality content.

A total of 16 sets of red, yellow, and blue Herand of Rebirths- along with 2 playmats from Monarch- will be given out in conjunction with the launching of our new Discussions section of the website. To enter, we ask that you join in a conversation- or start a new one.

8 Herald winners and 2 playmat winners will be randomly chosen from among subscribers who comment. All of our authors are paid, and subscribers make that possible. They believe in the Rathe Times, and appreciate the content we produce. Plus, subscribing gives them access to audio narration for at least 1 article a week, along with Pro Series articles written with the highest standards for quality and content- articles written not as 'secret sauce for the paying elite', but as thoughtful pieces from skilled players.

Another 8 winners will be randomly chosen from all comments by readers. All winners will be chosen on June 12th.

(One entry per person, regardless of how many comments you leave.)

Thank you so much for your continued support of the Rathe Times! Enjoy the new Discussions area, and keep tuning in for more amazing content!

Discussion (42)

Author Wesley

Wesley Lingard

2 years ago
Congratulations guys! Your dedication to growing the community is a credit to how awesome you all are.


2 years ago
Hope it goes awesome

Chad Bortz

2 years ago
Appreciate the giveaway, and the great content here on the site.

Christopher Dale Bates

2 years ago
Love the content on the site and happy LSS sent you a kit! Excited for your Uprising information!
Playmat Shield Only

Kirk Bushell

2 years ago
Thanks, @Chad Bortz ! We enjoy writing it :D
Playmat Shield Only

Kirk Bushell

2 years ago
We've got one here, and one on FaB DB, as well, so watch out for 'em ;)

Mattias Johansson

2 years ago
Thanks for the giveaway and for what you do for the community. Keep it up and keep those articles coming!


2 years ago
Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the new features. It's always a pleasure to read your articles around many different aspects of the game and hopefully the community forums will keep enriching those topics


2 years ago
I love Rathe Times and FaB DB, I really hope you can grow with the game and be as bug as them! Thank you for the giveaway!


2 years ago
Awesome stuff! This site is well deserving of a content creator kit. Holding out hope for winning some promos!


2 years ago
Thanks for all the amazing content and now this giveaway. Ever since I started investing more time on FAB, Iā€˜m a subscriber and regular reader. Looking forward to the upcoming spoiler! šŸ˜


2 years ago
I've gotten a ton of awesome content from here! Glad we can discuss things here now as well!

DEVIN Mychan

2 years ago
I remember when I first stumbled on the Rathe Times. I had just found the game and was scrambling to consume content when suddenly, like Indiana Jones first laying eyes on the treasure, I found a place where my passion for writing and collecting meet. Thank you for creating an amazing place that has introduced me to awesome and talented people.

Benjamin Odenheimer

2 years ago
It's always exciting to see quality content creators grow and expand. The Rathe Times produces some of the best and most polished flesh and blood content out there, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store.


2 years ago
Proud to Suport the awesome content you guys Produce. Looking foreward to maybe See someone @Pro Tour Lille?

Ben Black

2 years ago
The content on this site really is top notch and very well written.

Graham Wise

2 years ago
Thanks for doing the giveaway!!! Love the content!

Anthony Naparala

2 years ago
Iā€™ve been playing the game for about a year and still remember going down to Alexandria Games on a Wednesday to buy some MtG cards but saw a small group of guys in the back room. They were talking about Flesh and Blood. Alex happened to be there with a couple other guys trying to establish a community for Flesh and Blood in our area. Alex asked if I wanted to learn to play and I was all for it as I am always willing to try something new and I wanted to try another card game as no one really ā€œplaysā€ PokĆ©mon around here and I had no idea to possibly get back into Yu-Gi-Oh. He showed me how to play Bravo for blitz. Played a couple matches and then he asked if Iā€™d want to come back the following week. I said sure and he offered me a pre built deck that he had. Actually; he gave me the pick of what he had. I asked him to explain the classes and he gave me an idea of what to play. I thought I liked the sound of wizard and asked for Kano and he looked me dead in the eye and said, ā€œSo, youā€™re going to be that guy, huh?ā€ Now I love the variety of the game and seldom play the same hero two weeks in a row and even feel spontaneous after a long day of work and try throwing something together in 15-25 minutes and see if it works.

Peter W. Szabo

2 years ago
Thank you for the giveaway, I love RatheTimes and FaBDB. Keep up the good work.


2 years ago
Awesome Stuff! Keep up the great content!


2 years ago
Yā€™all are one of two content sights I regularly check along with ChannelFireball strategy guides for written content! Thanks for what yā€™all do šŸ‘šŸ¼

Shahmir Samee

2 years ago
Rathe Times always has some of my favourite strategy content for the game, so I'm thrilled that you're doing well and have a kit to give away! Hope to be writing for you soon, I have much to say about Iyslander after extensive experience with her last Skirmish season!

Papyr Collective (Brendan)

2 years ago
Love all the strategy articles on the Rathe Times - honestly so well deserved!Can't wait for more content!

Dieter Denenbourg

2 years ago
Great site! Wonderful giveaway! Keep it up :)

Matthew W

2 years ago
Congrats on the giveaway kit! Always checking on here for the new strategy articles and market updates! look forward to reading all the thoughts once Uprising hits!


2 years ago
Honestly, im sure you can see i read a lot of the articles, i only have a few decks but the insight you bring, the research you have to get through. i appreciate it. the work here helps me when im struggling and just need a break from deck building. it opens new perspectives and things i would never think about without ya. THANKS FOR THE WORK!

Steve H.

2 years ago
Iā€™m very new to FAB but this site has already become a go-to for me! Love the content and keep up the great work!

Keenan Keeley

2 years ago
Love this site and I'm so glad you guys got some cool promo stuff! Been using this site since right around the same time I started playing the game back in November. Indispensable resource for both new and veteran players, alike. Would love some more ninja articles, though. :)

Alex Truell

2 years ago
Thanks so much for all the love guys! I just want to remind you all to check out the Discussions page in the dropdown menu/title bar. We've always had end-of-article comments, but what we've added is a way to consolidate conversation. Maybe you'll find a conversation there you'd like to join in on!

Keelan Yowell

2 years ago
Thanks for all you do! Love the site

Grant Duvall

2 years ago
Thanks for all the stuff you guys put out! I've gotten a few of my MtG playing friends in to this game by sharing some of your articles. Keep up the great work!


2 years ago
make my Prism dreams come true!

Bernhard HInna

2 years ago
Thank you for all the great articles you keep providing! Absolutely love the subscription :)


2 years ago
Thank you for all that you do, The articles have definitely helped me to improve and understand more.


2 years ago
Thanks cool site - hope I win :)


2 years ago
Awesome! Appreciate all the work for the community you do.

Erick Leong Jr

2 years ago
Looking forward to the content for the Uprising season!


2 years ago
Just discovered the site. Looking great! Building my first CC, looking forward to Uprising

ngan arlerond

2 years ago
Hi , content creator awesome. Great reward for your work. Keep going


2 years ago
The kit looks as awesome as last year's. Kano cc at the moment, hope to be able to blink up my upcoming prism build.

Bailey Stutzman

2 years ago
Thanks for all the great articles! I have really been enjoying my subscription.šŸ˜Š


2 years ago
Great work guys! It's amazing to see how far the page is coming that we can do giveaways now!Keep up the good content!

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