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Breakpoint Boost

Boost Dash is an aggressive deck that looks to pressure the opponent's hand while attempting to assemble a big Maximum Velocity turn (or two) as quickly as possible. This list is chock full of attack actions with Boost, which allows the deck to consistently attack multiple times per turn.

Card image of Maximum Velocity (Red)

Quick Deck Rundown:

  1. 40/40 cards are Mechanologist cards, which means Boost and Teklo Foundry Heart will never miss.
  2. 38/40 cards block for 3, which allows you to play surprisingly effective defense (plus you'll start with one of the Teklo Cores in play every game).
  3. 37/40 cards mention the Boost mechanic. There is only one game plan, which makes evaluating turns fairly simple.
Card image of High Speed Impact (Blue)
Card image of Zero to Sixty (Red)
Card image of Zipper Hit (Yellow)

Achieving Top Speed

The big turn this deck is always looking for revolves around the card Maximum Velocity, which requires you to have Boosted at least 3 times in order to play it. Since it costs 2 resources to play, it will take a 5 card hand (4+arsenal) in order to pull off one of these big turns. The strategy to set it up is as follows:

  1. Get Maximum Velocity, Zero to Sixty, Zipper Hit, or High Speed Impact into arsenal.
  2. Craft or wait for a hand with several inexpensive boost cards (plus a Maximum Velocity if it's not in arsenal). Zero to Sixty is best, followed by Zipper Hit and High Speed Impact. (The cheaper the better).
  3. Use Teklo Foundry Heart and Arcanite Skullcap to absorb some damage.
  4. Attack with 3 Boosted attack actions, break Goliath Gauntlet, and attack with Maximum Velocity for 12.
Card image of Arcanite Skullcap
Card image of Goliath Gauntlet
Card image of Teklo Foundry Heart

Teklo Foundry Heart is guaranteed to give +1 resource whenever we try and go off. Even assuming 3 copies of Zero to Sixty, we still need at least 1 resource to pitch to pull off the Max V attack. Since this big turn requires four attacks, that only allows us one card to pitch, which means we're gated at a maximum of 4 resources (two of which are for Maximum Velocity itself). The pitch value of this 5th card is key, and determines which combination of attacks will allow you to go off.

These combinations don't account for possible Teklo Core resources, but I trust you to do the math

  1.    Red Pitch

      ○ 3 Zero to Sixty

  1.    Yellow Pitch

      ○ 2 Zero to Sixty and 1 Zipper Hit/High Speed Impact

  1.    Blue Pitch

      ○ 1 Zero to Sixty and 2 Zipper Hit/High Speed Impact

      ○ 2 Zero to Sixty and 1 two-cost Boost Attack

Hero: Dash

Weapons: Plasma Barrel Shot, Teklo Plasma Pistol

Equipment: Achilles Accelerator, Arcanite Skullcap, Goliath Gauntlet, Heartened Cross Strap, Ironrot Gauntlet, Nullrune Gloves, Teklo Foundry Heart, Viziertronic Model i

  1. (2) Combustible Courier (red)
  2. (2) High Octane (red)
  3. (2) High Speed Impact (red)
  4. (2) Maximum Velocity (red)
  5. (2) Pedal to the Metal (red)
  6. (2) Throttle (red)
  7. (2) Zero to Sixty (red)
  8. (2) Zipper Hit (red)

  1. (2) High Speed Impact (yellow)
  2. (1) Over Loop (yellow)
  3. (1) Spark of Genius (yellow)
  4. (2) Throttle (yellow)
  5. (2) Zero to Sixty (yellow)
  6. (2) Zipper Hit (yellow)

  1. (2) Combustible Courier (blue)
  2. (2) High Speed Impact (blue)
  3. (2) Over Loop (blue)
  4. (2) Teklo Core (blue)
  5. (2) Throttle (blue)
  6. (2) Zero to Sixty (blue)
  7. (2) Zipper Hit (blue)

Quick Tips:

  1. Heartened Cross Strap is better Chest equipment against Wizard since you don't need the armor and it shouldn't take more than a single Maximum Velocity for the game to end.
  2. Pressure the opponent with some of the larger, more expensive attacks like Throttle or Pedal to the Metal since they're tougher to use on the Max V turns.
  3. Don't be afraid to block heavily as needed, since you'll need to take some damage before going off with your 5 card hand).
  4. Boosting often runs the risk of banishing a Maximum Velocity or running your deck out of cards, so Boost wisely.
  5. High Octane and Achilles Accelerator can be used to make some devastatingly wide attacks even when you're not hitting Maximum Velocity. Each extra Action Point means another Pistol shot as long as you've got the resources to pay for the reload.

Discussion (41)


Kurt Geater

3 years ago
Good stuff. I am new to the game, but am going to try this. Thanks, Kevin!


3 years ago
Even though Dash can block just fine do you find the deck in resource trouble against aggro decks like Katsu and Chane? Especially when you need the 5 cards to try and hit with Maximum Velocity. Thanks! Enjoyed the write up.

David Christensen

3 years ago
I just recently opened a pack with Teklo Foundry Heart and I'm now wanting to give Dash a try. This maximum velocity build looks very interesting. I remember playing against it a few months ago and was totally surprised at how much damage can come from it.

Justin Mathews

3 years ago
I’ve always wanted to play dash. I think the boost mechanic is fun to play. I especially like the cards that reward you for boosting.

Matthew Robbins

3 years ago
Dashs' city, Metix, is a interesting place since below it lies The Pits. Everytime I think of that place it reminds me of the causal format Ultimate Pit Fight. Why?Simply because I haven't gotten the chance go play it, yet. The Pits are the blackmarket of Metix City, dangerous and can find anything one desire for the right price.

Austin Renna

3 years ago
This is such a great article. The only time I played as Dash, I had two Maximum Velocity(s) in my deck and for the life of me I couldn't get it off. I think I was viewing Dash too simply and just going for the absent minded, yet powerful, way of playing her - just pistol whipping and zero to sixty-ing, but it's interesting to know she can be played in a way that requires a set-up for such a turn like this. Thanks for sharing!

Paul Smith

3 years ago
I appreciate the optimum turn laid out so nicely with the chart for possible card combinations.

Daniel Johnson

3 years ago
I'm interested in seeing what design space the mech-items focus comes up with down the line. Dash's ability to start out with any item could become even more useful than it currently is given more utility-box options against ceratin matchups.

kyle m

3 years ago
Metrix is the home of steam tech, lasers, gadgets and technology, Its very loud and crowded and the vox corp taking over the media. They also found teklo industries to put the city technology in the future compared to the rest of wrathe.

Timothy Lui

3 years ago
I play Aggroish Dash in CC... the Blitz deck seems like its a condensed version of the deck I currently play. The only think you really lose in Blitz is that you cant really run Tome of Fyendal during High Octane turns... But this weeks Armory at my LGS is Blitz... so im gonna give this a try! Thanks for the article!

Connor Chamberlain

3 years ago
I love playing Dash but I think it's about time I started using the Plasma Barrel Shot. Also love Sam's art. It gives such a contrast to the feeling of some of the darker stuff.

corey ellis

3 years ago
Dash is probably the hero I have the least experience with. Given the possibility that Mechanologist is actually a Talent, I'm excited to see how these cards fit into future sets.


3 years ago
Haven't played Blitz that mutch, but I main Dash in CC atm. I like Plasma Barrel Shot in this format. Also what about x1 Tome, I know you want full aggro and full consistency, but since you still have the boots, maybe the combo can work in Blitz as well or is it too slow for the format? Will try it next time I play Blitz before I jump into another Hero.


3 years ago
Dash seems to be a great hero loved by the community, but I'm not a big fan. Maybe it's the Lore, or because I only played the Official Hero Deck which to not appeal to my playstyle, but I might try soon a set up build like this one. Thanks for the tips.


3 years ago
I recommend Overblast Blue for the deck to push the damage you can do, even with blue cards, a blue that can attack reliably for 5 and in lucky cases even for 6 is not bad. Personally I also run red copy of Overblast as well. As the starting Item I recommend Induction Chamber, it allows you to run a higher amount of blue cards (I use 15) and use ressources efficiently. It's also great when going first, as you can just load up everything for a later turn, while Teklo Core is rather bad when going first, as attacking on your first time is not always adviceable, except against Wizard, always start Teklo Core against Wzard. And speaking of Wizard, with Monarch you now got a choice in equipment to make: Use Teklo Foundry Heart and Ironrot Gauntlet to be able to block Nourishing Emptiness or use the Heartened Cross Strap and Goliath Gauntlet for maximum aggrssion.

Jake Smith

3 years ago
I am new to the game and am playing Katsu. I've played a few games against Dash and am about 50/50 win rate. Racing and going aggro has seemed to be my best bet but man the go again on the Plasma Shot adds up quick!

Alex Truell

3 years ago
I recently migrated my Dash from CC to Blitz, and I'm shocked at how differently you need to play for the format! Dash needs to push for Max Velocity simply to hit damage output that closes the game!
Author Tommy

Tommy Mains

3 years ago
Metrix existing is so cool for this game's universe. It sounds like the slums around the city are also where Azaela is from, which is interesting. In the lore article about Metrix, it named 4 major tech companies—Teklo being one among them—it will be gratifying to have the other companies represented with more mech heroes.

Jake Smith

3 years ago
I played someone playing this build; I was Katsu midrange. I went aggro and they got stuck drawing all 3 Maximum Velocitity's in one hand. It greatly diminished their ability to outrace me. It was an unlucky break but I'm curious the outcome if he had drawn a little better.

Tim Bunn

3 years ago
This is a very fun build for blitz! Always feels good to be the aggressor in most matchups. Can be hard for other decks to keep up.

Christopher Yee

3 years ago
Thanks for the article! Dash is my favourite hero (favourite class too?) so always glad to see her getting some love on this site. As much fun as it is to run an aggressive boost list in Blitz (who else can rival Chane at the ability to deck yourself out?!) I generally prefer the flexibility she has to play different styles in CC. Personally can't wait for a set to shift the focus to Metrix, bring on more Mechanologists!

Victor Marques

3 years ago
Hmmm I didn't understand when to use Plasma Barrel Shot or Teklo Plasma Pistol. Because the only point of High Octane is to spend all the action points on the pistol right? If that is the case if we pick the Barrel Shot we have 2 dead cards in the deck, no?

Felix W Chung

3 years ago
Boost Dash seems a little underrepresented but such a cool concept and I love the overall feel and aesthetic of the Mechanologist class! It seems to be a great deck that can 'take off' and finish off with that great closer!


3 years ago
A valuable insight into the boost Dash - as a Prism player this build is much more problematic than a pistol version, thus it's nice to know a little more how it works!


3 years ago
Dash is a cool hero, I really like her aesthetic.


3 years ago
I love the flavor of Dash building up crazy contraptions and hope to try her out in the future.


3 years ago
After just starting with FaB I'm super impressed with how much work the Teklo Foundry Heart puts in, At first I thought it was 3 life, then I thought it was an energy every turn, finally I realized it's 2 cards over a game, and an energy per turn For attacks like Whelming Gust Wave with powerful on hit effects being able to defend with 1 card in hand + the heart is sooooo powerful, the extra cards it nets are super important


3 years ago
The consistency outlined in the article is impressive. As a non-Dash player seeing them miss a boost has got to be one of the best feelings ever, but not so for them. Seeing how this goes against the typical pistol meta that we see no a days I wonder how often you can catch people off guard.

Crazy Brewing

3 years ago
I've won 3 armories with a built very similar to this. Most opponents can't match the early on damage output and can never gain momentum, especially with teklo core. for some control decks, I run chamber in case they try to draw out the game. Overall I recommend this deck as it is cheap, effective, and fast!


3 years ago
I can't wait to get my hands on Dash cards as a new player.

Erik Simonson

3 years ago
I played against dash in my last RTN while on Bravo. I never thought it was a match that was winnable but fatigue. Almost got there. It’s possible!

Nathan Taylor

3 years ago
Recently went up against Dash at an armory event and lost. Curious to see what happens to Dash in a post-TOA meta.


3 years ago
Always an interesting hero to play, Need to try this aggro build sometime, Been trying a control fatigue dash. Decked out some chanes.


3 years ago
Dash will probably my 2nd hero in the future. Only played against the control version so far, so really interested if this aggro build is still a thing? Because as you might relate, aggro is often a bit easier to master, than the control builds.

Keelan Yowell

3 years ago
Enjoy playing Dash a lot she plays so different from the other characters. But with the new set giving guardian a shield, it will make it hard to play her pistol repeat deck. That will just mean we will have to find a new way to play her.

Antonio Ferreiro

3 years ago
This is my favourite Hero. I'm just starting but I want to try this, build as wide as I can. As I see, in Calling Las Vegas, Dash made top 8.

Gian Arnand

3 years ago
been using Dash since the first time i play FaB.. i think i fall in love with her more and more.. she's a solid hero for blitz and CC. and mechanologist is a unique class among others, but really strong if pilot it right. can't wait for mechanologist buff, or new hero in the future.

Kevin Lanik

3 years ago
Seeing control Dash in Vegas Top 8 was great, and I like seeing this aggressive build - Dash looks much more flexible than I had appreciated before. Looking forward to seeing more styles of Mechanologist play.

Jordan Liv

3 years ago
I love the idea of this deck and might take it for a spin once the next Blitz season kicks back up. As strong as control Dash can be, I always felt like NOT using boost was doing the Mechanologist class flavor a disservice!


3 years ago
I wish I played more blitz, because this deck looks dope. I always saw maximum velocity and figured it was going to be so much effort to make it work, i'm glad someone's getting results with it, If only CC had a dash in the meta that wasn't control.

Sam Files

3 years ago
When I got the Arcane Rising blitz decks I definitely lost trying to pull off a good maximum velocity turn. I'll definitely want to take this deck for a spin some time. A little pricy with the teklo foundry heart and arcanite skullcap though. Still, happy to see aggro dash over control dash!

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