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Week 1 of RTN and a New Set Announced!

Good morning gang! Spring is approaching, and with it comes the Pro Tour in Los Angeles. I'm here to share with you some of the news from the mothership, so let's get to it!

This week saw the “First Week RtN Recap,” which is Legend Story Studio's opportunity to talk about the metagame and highlight some of the stores and stories that help make Flesh and Blood what it is today. LSS always likes to keep the community - and the stores that support it - well posted when it comes to tournaments: Kasharn Rao can be seen at big tournaments, too, often making note of the games and happenings as weekends progress and get spun into the tapestry, the very history of the game. Not only do we get to see stores featured on the front page, we are also treated to a metagame breakdown from all of the results.

Personally, I always like to see a good meta breakdown - I only get to see so much from my local vantage point, so these check-ins let me see more of the global meta instead of only focusing on my locals (or what I get to face on Talishar). And, oh my! Look at the Dracai of Aether himself, Kano, just absolutely taking advantage of this meta! For this first week, the Wizard nets the most wins, ahead of other top-of-class performers like Dash, Dromai, Kayo, and Victor. Pack in your Oasis Respite and pray that the Wizards don't just retreat into aether for week two...

Card image of Kano, Dracai of Aether
Card image of Oasis Respite (Red)

Oh, and if you want to get your local cardboard dojo featured on the front page? Just ask your store's tournament organizer to fill out the forms in the Road to Nationals email LSS sent out at the start of the season. LSS is always looking for stuff to spin a good narrative, like hero reports, decklists, photos of the crowd and of the tops - just ask your Tournament Organizer to fill out the coverage form fully, and you might get on the main page. It's always cool to see your home turf get featured!

Breaking: New Set Announced!

Fresh, hot news off the presses! Legend Story Studios stuns us all with a new announcement:

Flesh and Blood's thirteenth set will be premiered in Japan, in a convergence of coolness that concludes the journey to Japan and coincides with the first Japan calling in May! Not only that, but Part the Mistveil will be the first set printed in Japanese alongside the currently supported language options.

This set seems poised to bring in Illusionists and Ninjas, and who knows what else… other than the return to Talents! A brand new talent will be introduced in this set, and if the developers are to be believed, it is unlike anything we have seen so far. Talented heroes have traditionally done quite well, so this player is very excited to see what LSS is up to, what new lessons have they implemented into their next designs… and how will Bravo fare into it all??

Part the Mistveil is coming to your meta this year, and at a slightly quicker cadence: will this be the year that we move to 4 set releases? We are certainly on-pace, with releases in February and May, lining up to potential releases in August and November.

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